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fortress hill station中文是什么意思

用"fortress hill station"造句"fortress hill station"怎么读"fortress hill station" in a sentence


  • 炮台山站


  • Take mtr to fortress hill station b exit
  • A search was conducted in the tunnel between fortress hill station and tin hau station , the search concluded at about 3 pm
  • Shortly after 2 pm , police officers found a man in his twenties outside the fortress hill station , in connection with a snatching case which took place at about 1 . 30 am today in wharf centre , north point
  • The north hong kong island line is an extension of the existing mtr tung chung line along the north shore of hong kong island to run through onto the eastern half of the existing mtr island line at fortress hill station
用"fortress hill station"造句  
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